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Coaching Testimonial - Renee Fox

Writer: Ian GreenIan Green

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

I have mentored people for the last 45 years. I realise the huge benefit I have received through this process and so have been committed to doing the same for others.

Read the inspiring testimony below from Renee Fox, one of the people I have the privilege to mentor👇


"I connected with Ian again when my husband and I were still pastoring in Kansas, and shortly after that, we came out of ministry and it really left a gaping hole in my life, a question of, ‘how can I now serve God?’. I’d spent 20 years as a pastor’s wife, and previous to that, helping my dad plant churches, and just couldn’t see beyond the four walls of the church.

Ian came in at the right time and explained to me that we can have greater influence in the Kingdom of God, sometimes when we’re placed in the marketplace, and so after a couple of years of him training us and teaching us, I went back to school and got my real estate broker’s license. In 2018, we opened our brokerage here in Austin, Texas. We went into business with the sole purpose of having a vehicle that we could use to pump money back into our community, through non-profits that are doing a job that is just outstanding here, that we couldn’t do, that we don’t have the gifting for, or the resources, but they need finances.

So in our first year, we were able to give back forty-thousand dollars to those non-profits. Those non-profits have changed the environment of our city. They’re providing housing for homeless people. They’re providing housing for severely disabled children and adults. They’re taking kids out of the juvi system and providing a home for them. They’re changing the face of the foster care system here in Texas.

They’re just doing an amazing job, and our role in that has been able to hold them up financially and get them to the next step of where they need to be. And so, in our second year, we’re really hoping that God will bless us and we’ll be able to double that giving.

So, thank you Ian! Thank you for opening our eyes to greater options where God can use us. Thank you for teaching us, and for showing us options outside the walls of the Church that can bless our community and bring the Kingdom of God, right into the places where we live and work."


Watch Renee's Coaching Testimonial below:



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